- Achieving spatial balance in environmental surveys under constant inclusion probabilities or inclusion density functions (with Di Biase R.M., C. Pisani), Environmetrics, e2869, 2024.
- Censoring heavy-tail count distributions for parameter estimation with an application to stable distributions (with A. Di Noia, C. Pisani, L. Pratelli ), Statistics and Probability Letters, 202, 109903, 2023.
- A family of consistent normally distributed tests for Poissonity (with A. Di Noia, C. Pisani, L. Pratelli), AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 108, 209-223, 2023.
- Design-based spatial interpolation with data driven selection of the smoothing parameter (with L. Fattorini, S. Franceschi, C. Pisani, L. Pratelli), Environmetal and Ecological Statistics, 30, 103-129, 2023.
- Goodness-of-fit test for count distributions with finite second moment (with A. Di Noia, L. Barabesi, C. Pisani, L. Pratelli), Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 35, 19-37, 2023.
- Design-based properties of the nearest neighbor spatial interpolator and its bootstrap mean squared error estimator (with L. Fattorini, C. Pisani, L. Pratelli), Biometrics, 78, 1454-1463, 2022.
- Two-phase sampling strategies for design-based mapping of continuous spatial populations in environmental surveys(with L. Fattorini, S. Franceschi, C. Pisani, L. Pratelli), Annals of Applied Statistics, 15, 287-303, 2021.
- Design-based consistency of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator under spatial sampling with applications to environmental surveys (with L. Fattorini, C. Pisani, L. Pratelli), Spatial Statistics, 35, art. 100404, 2020.
- Mapping the diversity of forest attributes: a design-based approach (with L. Fattorini, R.M. Di Biase, D. Giuliarelli, C. Pisani, P. Corona), Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 49, 190-197, 2019.
- Design-based mapping for finite populations of marked points (with L. Fattorini, C. Pisani, L. Pratelli), Electronic Journal of Statistics, 13, 2121-2149, 2019.
- Estimating tree diversity in forest ecosystems by two-phase inventories (with P. Corona, L. Fattorini, S. Franceschi, C. Pisani, U. Chiavetta, N. Puletti), Environmetrics, 30, 1-13, 2019.
- Design-based inference on Bernstein type estimators for continuous populations (with S. Franceschi, C. Pisani, S. Naddeo), Biometrical Journal 61, 166-186, 2019.
- Inference on forest attributes and ecological diversity of trees outside forest by a two-phase inventory (with M. Marchetti, V. Garfì, C. Pisani, S. Franceschi, P. Corona, N. Puletti, M. Vizzarri, M. di Cristofaro, M. Ottaviano, L. Fattorini), Annals of Forest Science 113, art. 37, 2018.
- Joining the incompatible: exploiting purposive lists for the sample-based estimation of species richness (with A. Chiarucci, R. M. Di Biase, L. Fattorini, C. Pisani), Annals of Applied Statistics 12, 1679-1699, 2018.
- Design-based maps for continuous spatial populations (with L. Fattorini, C. Pisani, L. Pratelli), Biometrika 105, 419-429, 2018.
- Design-based maps for finite populations of spatial units (with L. Fattorini, L. Pratelli), Journal of the American Statistical Association 113, 686-697, 2018.
- The discrete Linnik distribution (with L. Barabesi, C. Becatti), Statistical Methods and Applications 27, 45-68, 2018 .
- Design-based asymptotics for two-phase sampling strategies in environmental surveys (with L. Fattorini, C. Pisani, L. Pratelli), Biometrika 104, 195-205, 2017.
- The estimation of diversity indexes by using stratified allocations of plots, points or transects (with L. Barabesi, L. Fattorini, C. Pisani, L. Pratelli), Environmetrics 26, 202-215, 2015.
- Design-based treatment of missing data in forest inventories using canopy heights from aerial laser scanning (with P. Corona, G. Chirici, S. Franceschi, D. Maffei, C. Pisani, L. Fattorini), Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44, 892-902, 2014.
- Properties of design-based estimation under stratified spatial sampling (with L. Barabesi, S. Franceschi), Annals of Applied Statistics 6, 210-228, 2012.
- Statistical Analysis of the Hirsch index (with L. Pratelli, A. Baccini, L. Barabesi), Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 39, 681-694, 2012.
- A randomized response procedure for multiple-sensitive questions (with L. Barabesi, S. Franceschi), Statistical Papers 53, 703-718, 2012.
- Bayesian estimation of proportion and sensitivity level in randomized response procedures (with L. Barabesi), Metrika 72, 75-88, 2010.
- Parameter estimation for the discrete stable family (with A. Baccini, L. Barabesi), Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods 37, 815-830, 2008.
- A critical look at some widely used estimators in mark-resighting experiments (with L. Fattorini, A. Monaco, C. Pisani), Journal of Animal Ecology 76, 957-965, 2007.
- A three-phase sampling strategy for large-scale multiresource forest inventories (with L.Fattorini, C. Pisani), Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 11, 296-316, 2006.
- Some large-sample results on a modified Monte Carlo integration method Some large-sample results on a modified Monte Carlo integration method (with L. Barabesi), Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 135, 420-432, 2005.
- Design-based ranked set sampling using auxiliary information (with L. Barabesi), Environmental and Ecological Statistics 11, 415-430, 2004.
- Asymptotic results in jackknifing non-smooth functions of the sample mean vector, Annals of Statistics 31, 1885-1904, 2003.