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- Managers as Knowledge Carriers: Explaining Firms’ Internationalization Success with Manager Mobility(with P. Meinen, D. Sala, E. Yalcin) Journal of International Economics, 2022.
- The impact of the 2002 reform of the EU leniency program on cartel outcomes(with A. Jochem and G. Valletta), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2020.
- Electricity (De)Regulation and Innovation(with M. Marino and G. Valletta), Research Policy, 2019.
- Gender Differences in Sorting(with L.P. Merlino, D. Pozzoli), Industrial Relations, 2018.
- How Does Pension Eligibility Affect Labor Supply in Couples?(with R. Lalive), Labour Economics, 2017.
- Ethnic Diversity and Firms’ Export Behavior(with D. Pozzoli and D. Sala), European Economic Review, 2016.
- Additionally or crowding-out? An overall evaluation of public R&D subsidy on private R&D expenditure(with M. Marino, S. Lhuillary and D. Sala), Research Policy, 2016.
- Educational Diversity and Knowledge Transfers via Inter-Firm Labor Mobility(with M. Marino and D. Pozzoli), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2016.
- Self-employment, Start-up Incentives and Political Ideology(with S. Baruffaldi and M. Marino), Applied Economics Letters, 2016.
- Why so few women on board of directors? Empirical evidence from Danish companies 1998-2010(with N. Smith), Journal of Business Ethics, 2015.
- Self-employment: Does parents’ cultural diversity matter?(with M. Marino), Applied Economics Letters, 2015.
- Labor Diversity and Firm Productivity(with D. Pozzoli and M. Pytlikova), European Economic Review, 2014.
- The Nexus between Labor Diversity and Firm Innovation(with D. Pozzoli and M. Pytlikova), Journal of Population Economics, 2014.
- The Effect of Receiving Supplementary UI Benefits on Unemployment Duration(with T. Kyyrä and M. Rosholm), Labour Economics, 2013.
- Does Labor Diversity promote Entrepreneurship?(with M. Marino and D. Pozzoli), Economics Letters, 2012.
- The Effect of Learning-by-Hiring on Productivity(with Dario Pozzoli), RAND Journal of Economics, 2012.