“Anticipation Effects of EU Accession on Immigrants’ Labour Market Outcomes”, (2023), con Alberto Dalmazzo, Roberto Leombruni, IZA DP No. 16614.
Ciccarelli, Carlo, Alberto Dalmazzo, and Tiziano Razzolini. “Sicilian sulphur and mafia: resources, working conditions and the practice of violence.” Cliometrica (2023): 1-35.
“Fear Is the Path to the Dark Side”. Electoral Results and the Workplace Safety of Immigrants, with D’Ambrosio, Anna and Roberto Leombruni , (2021), IZA Discussion Paper series, No. 14322.
Spreading of an infectious disease between different locations.” with Muscillo, Alessio and Paolo Pin, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 183 (2021): 508-532.
“Covid19: Unless one gets everyone to act, policies may be ineffective or even backfire.” with Muscillo, Alessio and Paolo Pin. PloS one 15.9 (2020): e0237057.
“Trading off wage for workplace safety? Gaps between immigrants and natives in Italy.” with D’Ambrosio, Anna and Roberto Leombruni , Economia Politica (2020): 1-58.
“Does network closure” beef up import premium?” with Alessio Muscillo, Paolo Pin and Francesco Serti, IZA Discussion Paper No. 12036
” Worker Flows and Labour Market Adjustment during the Great Recession: Evidence from a Large Shock”, con Hartmut Lehmann, Anzelika Zaiceva, IZA Discussion Paper 9588.
“Native-Migrant Differences in Trading Off Wages and Workplace Safety” con Anna D’Ambrosio, Roberto Leombruni, IZA Discussion Paper n°10523
“Macroeconomic Conditions at Entry and Injury Risk at the Workplace” con Roberto Leombruni e Francesco Serti. forthcoming 2019, Scandinavian Journal of Economics
“Beneath the Surface: The Decline In Gender Injury Gap”, with Roberto Leombruni, Giovanni Mastrobuoni, Mario Pagliero, Labour Economics, 30 (2014): 282-288
“How much trustworthy and salubrious an organic jam should be? The impact of organic logo on the Italian jam market”, Food Policy, Volume 43, December 2013, Pages 1–13
“The Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Costs of Job Displacement – The Risky Job of Being Back at Work”, with Roberto Leombruni and Francesco Serti, European Economic Review, Volume 61, July 2013, pages 205–216, DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2013.04.005
“The Wage and Non-Wage Costs in Boom Times: Evidence from Russia” with Hartmut Lehmann, Alexander Muravyev and Anzelika Zaiceva, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2013, 41 (4), pages 1185-1201, DOI: 10.1016/j.jce.2013.02.004.
“Job Separations and Informality in the Russian Labor Market” with Hartmut Lehmann and Anzelika Zaiceva, Research in Labor Economics, 2012, Volume 34, pages 257 – 290.
“Export Premia and Subcontracting Discount. Active versus Passive Strategies and Performance in Domestic and Foreign Markets” with Davide Vannoni. The World Economy, Volume 34 (6), June 2011, pages 984-1013.
“Study on Labour Supply When Tax Evasion is an Option with Box-Cox Functional Forms and Random Parameters”, Applied Economics, Volume 42, Issue 28, November 2010 , pages 3669 – 3684.
“A Note on the Estimation of the PD GEV Models”, Applied Economics Letters, Volume 16, Issue 2, February 2009 , pages 193 – 197.
“Strategie di Export Passivo, Produzione su Commessa e Performance” (in Italian) with Davide Vannoni, L’Industria, Numero: 3, luglio-settembre 2009.