Marwil, D., & Punzo, L.F. (2019). Financialisation as structural change: the financial content of things. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH, 32(1), 98-120. – view more
Lèbre La Rovere, R., & Punzo, L.F. (2019). Inovações em Turismo na economia do compartilhamento. In P. Tigre, & A. M. Pinheiro (a cura di), Inovação em serviços na economia do compartilhamento (pp. 237-253). São Paulo : Saraiva uni. – view more
Oliveira, E., de Azevedo Irving, M., & Punzo, L.F. (2018). Comunicacao e a convencao sobre diversidade biologica: uma leitura sobre o Parque estadual da Ilha Grance( Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) e o Parque Natural da Maremma (Toscana, Italia). DESENVOLVIMENTO E MEIO AMBIENTE, 46, 61-83. – view more
Policardo, L., Punzo, L.F., & Sánchez Carrera, E.J. (2018). ¿Desigualdad insostenible? Evidencia empírica para países de América Latina. In A. P. Mutis, & M. Puchet (a cura di), América Latina en la larga historia de la desigualdad (pp. 179-205). Ciudad de México :
POLICARDO L., E. CARRERA SANCHEZ, L.F. PUNZO, “Wage inequality and labor productivity in OECD countries”, LABOUR: REVIEW OF LABOUR ECONOMICS AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, under revision
DAVILA-FERNANDEZ, M., J.L. OREIRO, L. F. PUNZO, and S. BIMONTE (2017), “Capital in the Twenty First Century: Re-interpreting the fundamental contradiction of capitalism,” JOURNAL OF POST KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS,
SANCHEZ CARRERA, Edgar; L. F. PUNZO,; L. POLICARDO (2016), “Brazil and China: Two Routes of Economic Development?” in REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS, Vol. 20, issue 2
SANCHEZ CARRERA, Edgar; L. F. PUNZO,; L. POLICARDO (2016), Unsustainable Inequality? Empirical Evidence for Latin American Countries”, DEPS working paper series no.728 (, submitted
ARAUJO , E. ; L. F. PUNZO (2016), “A “bela” e o “gigante” adormecidos: análise comparativa de dois casos de des-industrialização recente e suas causas – Brasil e Itália”, ACTA SCIENTIARUM. HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, in print
BIMONTE, S. and L.F. PUNZO (2016), “Tourist development and host–guest interaction: An economic exchange theory”, ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH, Vol. 58, pp. 128–139
PUNZO, L.F. , RISSO A. CARRERA E. (2013), “Economic growth and income distribution in Mexico. A cointegration exercise”, ECONOMIC MODELLING, Vol. 35, pp. 708-714
PUNZO L.F., J. L.OREIRO, E. ARAUJO (2012) , “ Macroeconomic constraints to the growth of the Brazilian economy: diagnosis and some policy proposals”, CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, Vol.36, No.4, pp. 919-940
PUNZO L.F., C.A. FEIJO AND M. PUCHET ANYUL Eds. (2012): Beyond the global crisis. Structutral adjustmens and regional integration in Europe and Latin America, ISBN 978-0415508476 0, LONDON: ROUTLEDGE
with coauthored chapters
with M. H AMBROSIO DIAS, JOILSON DIAS, Chpt 5: “International interdependence and macroeconomic transmission, Europe and Latin America”, pp. 79-90
with A. FEIJO and TOSTES LAMONICA M., Chpt 10, “Brazil’s economy. Growth pattern and structural change”, pp.161-176
with BIMONTE, J.- G. BRIDA and M. PULINA, chapt. 16, “Tourism and growth. Stories of two continents”, pp.252-268
PUNZO L.F., M. TOSTES LAMONICA M. C. A. FEIJO (2012), “Trajetória de Crescimento da Economia Brasileira e Mudança Estrutural de 1971 a 2008: uma interpretação a partir do Framework Space, REVISTA DE ECONOMIA CONTEMPORANEA, VOL. 16, n. 1, p. 43-61,
PUNZO L.F., J.L.OREIRO, E. ARAUJO, G. SQUEFF (2011), “Taxa real de câmbio, desalinhamento cambial e crescimento econômico no Brasil (1994-2007)”, REVISTA DE ECONOMIA POLITICA, Vol . 31, no 4 (124), pp . 551-562
PUNZO L.F., with J.G. BRIDA, A. MAYER, C.MCCORD (2011): “A theoretical, multidisciplinary view of catastrophic regime change”, chapter16, vol. 2, in DYNAMICS, GAMES AND SCIENCE. Essays in Honour of Mauricio Peixoto and David Rand, pp. 225- 238 , ISBN 978-3-642-14787-6, BERLIN and NEW YORK: SPRINGER VERLAG
PUNZO L.F., BIMONTE S. (2011), “Instruments of Structural Policies for Tourism Sustainability”, in A. MATIAS, P.NIJKAMP and M. SARMENTO (Eds.), Tourism Economics, pp. 95-107, ISBN 978-3-7908-2725-5 HEIDELBERG: SPRINGER VERLAG
PUNZO L. F. E. ACCINELLI, S. LONDON, E. CARRERA (2011), “Poverty traps, rationality and Evolution”, chapter 4, vol 1 in Dynamics, Games and Science. Essays in Honour of Mauricio Peixoto and David Rand, vol. 1, pp.37-53, ISBN 978-3-642-11455-7, BERLIN and NEW YORK: SPRINGER VERLAG
PUNZO L.F. OREIRO J.L. ARAUJO E. SQUEFF G. (2011) “Taxa real de câmbio, desalinhamento cambial e crescimento econômico no Brasil (1994-2007)”, REVISTA DE ECONOMIA POLITICA, Vol. 31, nº 4 (124), pp. 551-562
PUNZO L.F., J.-G. BRIDA, S. LONDON, and W. A. RISSO (2011), “An Alternative View of the Convergence Issue of Growth Empirics”, GROWTH AND CHANGE, Vol. 42 No. 3, pp. 320–350
PUNZO L.F., E. ACCINELLI, S. LONDON, E. CARRERA (2010): “Dynamic complementarities, efficiency and Nash equilibria for populations of firms and workers, JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND ECONOMETRICS, Vol 53, No. 1, pp. 90-110, SSSN 2032-9660 Also Available at:
PUNZO L.F., J.L.OREIRO, E. ARAUJO, G. SQUEFF (2010): “Restrições macroeconomicas aõ crescimento a economia Brasileira”, in Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira Ed. Crise global a o Brasil, Editora FGV, Rio de Janeiro (appeared also as discussione paper no.1431 of IPEA, Brasil)
PUNZO L.F. (2009): “A Nonlinear History of Growth and Cycle Theories”, HISTORY OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, Vol. 41 suppl., pp. 88-106, DOI 10.1215/00182702-2009-018
PUNZO L.F. with FEIJO C., LAMONICA MOSTES M., (2008). Brazil’s growth experience – 1971-2005: “Growth patterns and structural change”. WORKING PAPER of the CEDE (Centro de Estudos sobre Desigualidade e Desenvonvilmento), Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF,RJ).
PUNZO L.F., E. ACCINELLI, BRIDA J.-., CARRERA SANCHEZ, E. (2008). “Emergence of Long run Behavior in a game-theoretic setting with hosts and guests (resident and visitors) populations”, PAPELES DE POBLACIÓN. Vol. 58, pp. 18-30 ISSN: 1405-7425. (Previously in the PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANTALIA 2006 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOURISM ECONOMICS.)
PUNZO L. F., BRIDA J.-G, (2008), “Multiregime dynamics: modeling and statistical tools.” RBEE. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ECONONIA DE EMPRESAS, vol. 7, no.2 ISSN: 1676-8000.
PUNZO L.F. and S.USAI (Eds.) (2007), L’estate al mare. Residenti e turisti in alcune destinazioni italiane. MILANO:MCGRAW HILL.
PUNZO L.F., BIMONTE S (2007). “Follonica, il mare in fondo alla strada”, in: PUNZO and USAI (Eds.) L’estate al mare. Residenti e turisti in alcune destinazioni italiane, pp. 161-170), MILANO: MCGRAW HILL
PUNZO L.F., BIMONTE S., (2007). “Cittadini di una città moderna”, in: L.F. PUNZO and S. USAI (Eds.) L’estate al mare. Residenti e turisti in alcune destinazioni italiane. (pp. 185-200). MILANO: MCGRAW HILL
PUNZO L.F., BIMONTE S., (2007). “Un patto sociale implicito?”, in: PUNZO and S.USAI (Eds.)L’estate al mare. Residenti e turisti in alcune destinazioni italiane. (pp. 201-208). MILANO:MCGRAW HILL.
PUNZO L. F. (2007). “Towards a theory of structural dynamics. Gooodwin’s contribution” in STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, Vol. 4, pp. 382-399 ISSN: 0954-349X.
PUNZO L.F., with S. BIMONTE (2007): “The evolutionary game between tourist and resident populations and Tourist Carrying Capacity” , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND GLOBALIZATION, vol. 3
PUNZO L. F., AMENDOLA, M., B. BOEHM, L. FESTA, J. GAFFARD, SARACENO. (2006). “Potential growth and structural change(s) in market economies: the European case”. WORKING PAPER SERIES, OFCE, PARIS.
PUNZO, L. F. (2006), ‘Towards a disequilibrium theory of structural dynamics. Goodwin’scontribution”, in STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, Vol.17, pp.382 – 399
PUNZO L. F., AMENDOLA, M., B. BOEHM, L. FESTA, J. GAFFARD, SARACENO. (2006). Potential growth and structural change(s) in market economies: the European case, WORKING PAPER SERIES, OFCDE, PARIS.
PUNZO L. F. (2006). “Patrimonio culturale e sviluppo sostenibile. In: PIERGIGLI, V., MACCARI, A.L. Il Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio. Tra teoria e prassi. ISBN: 88-14-13189-9. MILANO: Dott. A. Giuffrè
PUNZO L. F., GAFFARD, J. L. (2006), “‘Economic Integration and Cross-country Convergence: exercises in growth theory and empirics’ pp. 136 – 17 in: FARINA F. and SAVAGLIO (Eds.), Inequality and Economic Integration, LONDON and NEW YORK: ROUTLEDGE
PUNZO L. F. (2006). “The International Network to promote Tourism against Poverty (INTAP):Tourism in the Globalisation.” In: A.L. ALMEIDA GAZZOLA, S. GOULART ALMEIDA. Universidade. Cooperação internacional e Diversidade. (pp. 295-310). ISBN: 85-7041-494-3. BELO HORIZONTE:
PUNZO L., BIMONTE S. (2005). “Cuantos (turistas) son demaciados ? Un estudo de caso: ciudades Toscanas”. In: T. J. LOPEZ-GUZMAN GUZMAN, F. LARA DE VICENTE. Turismo sostenible: En enfoque multidisciplinar e internacional. (pp. 109-130). ISBN: 84-7801-797-6. CORDOBA: Universidad de Cordoba.
LESKOW, M.PUCHET ANYUL, L. F. PUNZO (2005). New Tools of Economic Dynamics. ISBN: 10 3-540-24282-1. NEW YORK: SPRINGER VERLAG
PUNZO L. F., BIMONTE, S. (2005). “Environmental policy options in the multi-regimes framework.” In: J. LESKOW, M.PUCHET ANYUL, L. F. PUNZO. New Tools of Economic Dynamics. pp. 297-318,. ISBN: 10 3-540-24282-1. NEW YORK: SPRINGER VERLAG
PUNZO L. F., BIMONTE S. (2004). “A proposito di capacità di carico turistica: una breve analisi teorica”, EdATS Working papers series. gennaio. (vol. 1, pp. 1-16). Pubblicazioni dell’Osservatorio per il turismo sostenibile.
PUNZO L. F. (2004). “Sostenibilidad del turismo y desarrollo economico local.” ECONOMICA. Vol. 4, pp. 193-222 ISSN: 0013-0427.
PUNZO L. F. (2003). “Some new tools for the qualitative analysis of dynamic economic data: symbolic and distribution analysis for multi-regime dynamics”, STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, Vol. 14, pp. 121-131 ISSN: 0954-349X.
PUNZO L. F., BRIDA J.- G. (2003), “Symbolic time series analysis”. STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, Vol. 14, pp. 159-183, ISSN: 0954-349X.
PUNZO L. F., BRIDA J.-G., PUCHET M. (2003). “Coding economic dynamics”. STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, Vol. 14, pp. 133-157, ISSN: 0954-349X
PUNZO L. F. , BIMONTE S., (2003) Turismo e sviluppo sostenibile locale nei sistemi microinsulari. In: MINISTERO DELLE ATTIVITA’ PRODUTTIVE, DG PER IL TURISMO. Il pensiero e la scienza nel turismo italiano. (pp. 271-290). ROMA: Ministero delle attività produttive
M. PUCHET, PUNZO L. F. (Eds.) (2001), Mexico beyond NAFTA. Perspectives for the European debate. (pp. 292). ISBN: 0-415-24386-6. LONDON: Routledge.
PUNZO L.F., PUCHET ANYUL M. (2001). “Structural divergence and the dynamics of dualism.Lessons from Mexico before and after NAFTA (and some from Italy)” , In: PUCHET and PUNZO (Eds.) Mexico after NAFTA, pp. 199-241, ISBN 0-415-24386-6, LONDON: ROUTLEDGE .
PUNZO L.F., BOEHM, B. (2001). “Productivity-investment fluctuations and structural change”, in PUNZO L.F. (Ed.) Cycles, Growth and Structural Change,. pp. 47-91 , ISBN: 0-415-25137-0, LONDON: ROUTLEDGE
PUNZO L., L.F., PUCHET ANYUL M. (2001). “La table del insumo-producto desde una perspectiva de dinamica structural.” INVESTIGACIÓN ECONOMICA. Vol. LXI, pp. 115-128, ISSN: 0185-1667.
PUNZO L.F., NISHIMURA K.G. (2001). “The distribution structure in three continents: an evolutionary analysis of Italy, Japan and the United States.”, pp. 177-198,, In: R. BOLTHO, A. VERCELLI AND H. YOSHIKAWA (Eds.). Comparing the Japanese and Italian economies, ISBN 0-333-92893-8, HOUNDSMILL, BASINGSTOKE: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN
PUNZO L.F., FABEL, O., FARINA, F. (Eds.) European economies in transition. In search of a new growth path. , ISBN: 0-312-23224-1, LONDON: MACMILLAN
PUNZO L.F., BOEHM, B. (2000). “Dynamics structural changes in selected European countries with a comparison with Japan and the United States” In: PUNZO L.F., FABEL, O., FARINA, F. (Eds.) European economies in transition. In search of a new growth path. pp.38-66, ISBN: 0-312-23224-1, LONDON: MACMILLAN
PUNZO L.F., NISHIMURA K.G. (1999). “The Evolution of the Distribution Sector in the Three Continents: Movements of Distribution Margins and its Evolutionary Explanation.” ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, vol. 23, pp. 85-106, ISSN 0939-3625
PUNZO L.F., AMENDOLA, M, GAFFARD, J.L. (1998). “Neo-Austrian Processes.” INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS. vol. 8, pp. 277-298, ISSN: 0971-8281
PUNZO L.F. (1995). “Some Complex Dynamics for a Multisectoral Economy”, In: PUNZO, L.F. and GAFFARD, J.L. (Guest Eds.) L’Economie hors de l’equilibre. REVUE ECONOMIQUE,Vol. 46, pp. 1541- 1559, ISSN: 0035-2764.