
Selected Publications

Papers in Academic Journals (selection)

  • Revealed VNM-solutions: characterizations, International Game Theory Review 25, 2023: 1-24  DOI: 10.1142/S0219198923500111
  • On multidimensional poverty rankings of binary attributes (with V. Peragine, M.G. Pittau, E. Savaglio), Journal of Public Economic Theory 23 (2), 2021: 248-274 
  • Single peaked domains with tree-shaped spectra, Mathematical Social Sciences 108, 2020: 74-80
  • Majority judgment and strategy-proofness: a characterization, International Journal of Game Theory  48, 2019:863-886
  • Strategy-proof aggregation rules and single peakedness in bounded distributive lattices  (with E.Savaglio), Social Choice and Welfare 52, 2019: 295-327
  • A height-based multidimensional extension of the Lorenz preorder for integer-valued distributions (with E.Savaglio), B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 17, 2017 DOI: 10.1515/bejte-2016-0113
  • Weakly unimodal domains, anti-exchange properties, and coalitional strategy-proofness of aggregation rules, Mathematical Social Sciences 84, 2016: 56-67
  • Revealed cores: characterizations and structure, Applied Mathematics 6, 2015:2279-2291
  •  Choice overload and height ranking of menus in partially ordered sets (with M.Basili), Entropy 17, 2015: 7584-7595
  • Diversity as width (with M.Basili), Social Choice and Welfare 40, 2013: 913-936
  •  A characterization of height-based extensions of principal filtral opportunity rankings, Cuadernos de Economía 32, 2013: 803-815
  • Dominance dimension: a common parametric formulation for integer-valued scientific impact indices, Scientometrics 84, 2010: 43-48
  • On the volume-ranking of opportunity sets in economic environments (with E.Savaglio), Social Choice and Welfare 33, 2009: 1-24
  • The proportional lottery protocol is strongly β-participatory and VNM-strategy-proof , International Game Theory Review 10, 2008: 195-203
  • A coalitional game-theoretic model of stable government forms with umpires, Review of Economic Design 12, 2008: 33-44
  • Game formats as Chu spaces, International Game Theory Review 9(1): 2007, 119-138
  • Filtral preorders and opportunity inequality (with E.Savaglio), Journal of Economic Theory 132, 2007: 474-492
  • Effectivity functions and stable governance structures, Annals of Operations Research 109, 2002: 99-127
  • Effectivity functions, opportunity rankings, and generalized desirability relations, Homo Oeconomicus (Special Issue ‘Power Measures II’ ed. by M.Holler and G.Owen), 19(3), 2002: 451-467
  • Voting for a coalition government: a game-theoretic view, European Journal of Political Economy 13, 1997:537-555
  • Choice functions on pairwise-disjoint domains and G-rationalizability, European Journal of Political Economy 7, 1991:191-198



Papers in Edited Refereed Volumes (selection)

∙  Diversity and social fractionalization: theoretical approaches (with M. Ciommi and E.Savaglio), in C. D’Ambrosio (ed.)  Handbook of Research on Economic and Social Well-Being. Cheltenham UK, E. Elgar 2018, 531-550
∙  Giochi evolutivi, evoluzione della cooperazione e materialismo storico, in A. Civello (a cura di): Storia Natura Società. Studi in onore di Lorenzo Calabi. Pisa, ETS 2015, 351-372
∙  On Lorenz preorders and opportunity inequality in finite environments (with E. Savaglio), in G.Betti, A.Lemmi (eds.): Advances on Income Inequality and Concentration Measures. London, Routledge 2008, 117-128
∙  On concept lattices of coalitional game forms, in S.Bold, B.Löwe, T. Räsch, J. van Benthem (eds.): Foundations of the Formal Sciences V: Infinite Games (Studies in Logic, vol. 11). London, College Publications 2007, 319-343
∙  On concept lattices of efficiently solvable voting protocols, in S. Ben Yahia, E. M. Nguifo (eds.): CLA’06, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications. Tunis, Publications de la Faculté de Sciences 2oo6, 319-321
∙  On perfect secret sharing schemes and coalitional game forms, in J. van Benthem (ed.): Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK VIII). San Francisco, Morgan Kaufmann 2001, 183-192
∙  Social networks and efficient evolutionary outcomes in recurrent common interest games, in A. Nicita, U. Pagano (eds.): The Evolution of Economic Diversity. London, Routledge 2001, chpt. 13, 338-358
∙  Effectivity functions and parliamentary governance structures, in I. Garcia-Jurado, F. Patrone, S. Tijs (eds.): Game Practice. Contributions from Applied Game Theory. (Theory and Decision Library, Ser. C: Game Theory, Mathematical Programming and Operations Research vol.23). Dordrecht, Kluwer AP 2000, chpt. 15, 225-239
∙  On a lattice-theoretic representation of coalitional power in game correspondences, in Swart (ed.): Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice. Tilburg, Tilburg University Press 1999, 575-588
∙  Social ethics and implementation theory, in F.Farina, F.H. Hahn, S. Vannucci (eds.): Ethics, Rationality, and Economic Behaviour. Oxford, Clarendon Oxford University Press 1996, chpt. 15, 301-331
∙  On consistency properties of some strongly implementable social choice rules with endogenous agenda formation, in C.Bicchieri, M.L. Dalla Chiara (eds.): Knowledge, Belief and Strategic Interaction. (Cambridge Studies in Probability, Induction, and Decision Theory vol. 4). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1992, chpt.8, 127-140
∙  Noncooperative capacities of simple games, in G.Ricci (ed.): Decision Processes in Economics. (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 353). Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1991, 121-139.


Edited and Co-edited Volumes:

Ethics, Rationality and Economic Behaviour (co-ed. with F.Farina and F.H. Hahn), Clarendon Press, Oxford 1996 (ISBN 0-19-828981-2)

Logic Game Theory and Social Choice, Third International Conference (LGS3), University of Siena Publications, Siena 2003 (ISBN 88-85331-37-8)



Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet)

MR4440699 (2023)

MR4406970 (2023)

MR4369208 (2022)

MR4255718 (2022)

MR4199863 (2022)

MR4076107 (2022)

MR4150825 (2021)

MR3958222 (2020)

MR3893464 (2020)

MR3818276 (2019)

MR3767225 (2019)

MR3636545 (2018)

MR3636546 (2018)

MR3620809 (2018)

MR3577412 (2017)

MR3530812 (2017)

MR3476668 (2017)

MR3422872 (2016)

MR3397456 (2016)

MR3308273 (2016)

MR3349058 (2016)

MR3217238 (2015)

MR3217867 (2015)

MR3147343 (2014)

MR3152047 (2014)

MR3105422 (2014)

MR3028044 (2014)

MR3069127 (2014)

MR2992900 (2013)

MR2973591 (2013)

MR2876912 (2013)

MR2911232 (2013)

MR2771439 (2012)

MR2811742 (2012)

MR2718398 (2011)

MR2646844 (2011)

MR2655217 (2011)

MR2574632 (2011)

MR2515431 (2010)

MR2501712 (2010)

MR2477918 (2009)

MR2460242 (2009)


Working Papers and Preprints  (selection)

  • Agenda manipulation-proofness, stalemates, and redundant elicitation in preference aggregation. Exposing the bright side of Arrow’s theorem, arXiv: 2210.03200v1 [econTH] 6 Oct 2022, 1-39.
  • Strategy-proof aggregation rules in median semilattices with applications to preference aggregation (with E.Savaglio), arXiv: 2208.12732v1 [econTH] 26 Aug 2022, 1-33.
  • Strategy-proof aggregation rules in median join-semilattices and Arrowian social welfare functions (with E. Savaglio), Quad. DEPS 834, 2020.
  • Tree-wise single peaked domains, Quad. Deps 770, 2017
  • Hyper-h-indices for multi-attribute research outputs, Quad. DEPS  755, 2017.
  • Symmetric consequence relations and strategy-proof judgment aggregation, Quad. DEPS 754, 2017.
  • Giochi evolutivi, evoluzione della cooperazione e materialismo storico, Quad. DEPS 738, 2016.
  • La teoria dei giochi e John Nash, Quad. DEPS 722, 2015.
  • Network geometry and the scope of the median voter theorem, Quad. DEPS 704, 2015.
  • Strategy-proofness and single peakedness in bounded distributive lattices (with E. Savaglio), arXiv: 1406-5120 q.-fin.EC 2014.
  • On two-valued nonsovereign strategy-proof voting rules, Quad. DEPS 672, 2013.
  • Finite β-playable effectivity functions, Quad. DEPS 669, 2012.
  • Widest choice, Quad. DEPS 629, 2011.
  • Symmetric revealed cores and pseudocores and Lawvere-Tierney closure operators, Quad. DEPS 602, 2010.
  • Von Neumann-Morgenstern clutters, Quad. DEPS 592, 2010.
  • Choosing VNM-stable sets of the revealed dominance digraph, Quad. DEP 576, 2009.
  • Poverty rankings of opportunity profiles (with V.Peragine and E.Savaglio), Quad. DEP 548, 2008.
  • The libertarian identification rule in finite atomistic lattices, Quad. DEP 526, 2008.
  • Virtuous circles and contested identities: on collective identification procedures with independent qualified certification, Quad. DEP 501, 2007.
  • Concept lattices and convexity of coalitional game forms, Quad. DEP 476, 2006.
  • Coalitional game forms with topological closure systems, Quad. DEP 443, 2004.