Lesson timetable:
Wednesday 14.00-16.00, classroom 3
Thursday 08.30-10.00, classroom 3
Friday 12.00-14.00, classroom 3
Programme Macroeconomics 24/25
Exam modalities
As you certainly know, the Economics and Management Bachelor degree works a bit differently (https://economics-management.unisi.it/en/course/teaching-regulations) and the exams are organized in a peculiar way. For what concerns Macroeconomics, the final grade will be determined accordingly:
40%: final exam in the summer session
60%: assignments
The assignments will consist of
– a midterm exam, to be done in class (40% of the final grade)
– two group projects (each one will contribute to 10% of the final grade): there will be four special lectures, which will be given by external teachers. You’ll be asked to submit, by the end of May, two essays/reports (max two pages, plus the bibliography) on the two special lectures you’ll find more interesting and stimulating. The class will be divided in groups of five students each, each group will submit two collective essays/reports (see the moodle page of the course for the special lectures calendar)