(8 January 2024) Lectures calendar February-May 2024
(23 March 2024)
We inform the students that the mid term test will take place on Friday 19 April, at lecture time and room.
As anticipated during the last lecture, besides the problems assigned in class, below is the list of exercises from the Varian textbook to be discussed by students in the next 2-3 lectures,
1.10; 1.11; 3.3; 3.4; 3.5; 5.3; 5.4; 5.8; 5.15; 5.16; 17.4; 17.8; 17.11.
Below you can find a mock text of the mid term test
(30 April 2024) We inform the students that it is now possible to book for the second partial test which will take place on Friday 24 May, h 10-12 in Aula Chiostro (and NOT Room 12)
(2 May 2024) As a follow up to the students’ request, we communicate that the second partial test will take place on Thursday May 23 h 10-12, Room 12 and NOT on May 24.
( 3 May 2024) Below students can find a mock second part test, to be taken on 23 May 2024, and a problem set. The problems on mechanism design can not be done yet. Problems will be discussed in class in the next two weeks.