Microeconomics II 2020-21

(14 February 2021) Below you can find the Lectures calendar and content of Microeconomics II, for the AY 2020-21. The course will begin on Thursday March 4th. Lectures will be both in class and online, recorded. Students are invited to check regularly the course web page for timely communication.


(26 February 2021) As a follow up to the communication that the University Rector made yesterday, we confirm that up until April 6th the course will take place online. Lectures will follow the above calendar schedule and will be given on GOOGLE MEET at the following link.


As originally planned by the University, the lectures will be given on streaming and will also be recorded. In due course I’ll let you know if the link of the recorded lectures will be available on this web page, on the University Moodle or on both.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any clarification at “dimitri@unisi.it”

(4 March 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 1


The link of all the lectures will also be available on the University Moodle

(18 March 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 2


(19 March 2021) Below you can find the link of the recording of Lecture 3


(25 March 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 4


(26 March 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 5


(28 March 2021) We inform the students that the mid term test will be held on Friday May 14, replacing the lecture on that day. Moreover, we communicate that the missing lecture will be held on Friday May 28, according to the usual schedule.

Any problem with the above points will be discussed next Thursday  April 1.

(1 April 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 6


(3 April 2021) This is to inform students willing to take the midterm test of Microeconomics II, on Friday May 14, that it is now possible to book for the test on the system. On that day the test will replace the lecture scheduled for the day.

(8 Aprile 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 7


(9 April 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 8



(10 April 2021) As anticipated during the last lecture, below is the list of problems from the Varian textbook to be discussed by students in the next two lectures, on 15 and 16 of April.

1.10; 1.11; 3.3; 3.4; 3.5; 5.3; 5.4; 5.8; 5.15; 5.16; 17.4; 17.8; 17.11.

Moreover, students should do the following two additional problems, concerning the Arrow-Debreu (A-D) Equilibrium

a) Consider an A-D economy exactly as the one discussed in class, except that the endowment of Agent 1 over the two states is now (2,0) rather than (1,0). Find the equilibrium price, and consumption level, of the two agents.

b) Consider an A-D economy exactly as the one discussed in class, except that now the utility function of the two agents is U(c)=c (linear) rather than U(c)=logc.  Find the equilibrium price, and consumption level, of the two agents.

As said during the lecture, students should voluntarily rotate in discussing the problems, which will be shared and presented on Google Meet during the lectures. Discussion could be handwritten or typed with the keyboard.

Finally, for your information, below you can find a mock mid term exam of May 2019. You should expect a very similar test structure for the 14 May midterm test.


(15 April 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 9


(16 April 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 10


(29 April 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 11


(30 April 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 12


(2 May 2021) Below students can find the indications for the 14 May mid term test


(4 May 2021) We confirm that starting with tursday May 6th, included, lectures will be in presence in the class room, as well as online.

(6 May 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 13


(8 May 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 14


(13 May 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 15


(19 May 2021) This is to inform the students that tomorrow’s (May the 20th) lecture will be given ONLINE only and not in presence. The lecture of Friday May 21st will be given again also in presence.

(20 May 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 16


(21 May 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 17


(21 May 2021) Please find below the grades related to the 14/05/2021 Mid Term test


(22 May 2021) Below you can find the problem set and the mock test for the second part of the program. I also inform students that next Tuesday May 25th, from 10 to 12 a.m. there will be an additional lecture (ONLINE only) to start discussing the problem set, as we did for the first part. Students will rotate on the board to discuss the problems. The lecture has been added to make sure that we have enough time to discuss all the problem within May 28th.
In the next few days I will send instructions for the first test on June 9th.



(23 May 2021) This is to confirm that on the occasion of June 9th test, the students of can take the second part only or the entire test. The second part will last, as the first mid term, h1.30 and so the entire test will last h3.00. The test will take place ONLINE only.
Those students who want to take the entire test will have to write so in the notes, when booking for the test. If you do not indicate so I assume you will only take the second part.
There will be no oral exam afterwards.

(25 May 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 18


(25 May 2021) This is to inform the students that due to organizational issues the lectures of May 27-28 will he held ONLINE only.

(27 May 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 19


(28 May 2021) Below you can find the link to the recording of Lecture 20



(30 May 2021) As anticipated during the lectures, the written test on June 9th will be followed by an oral test on Tuesday 15 June h 10 am. The oral test will be obligatory for grades 29-30 and 18-19, while for the other grades will be optional. Those students who want to re-take the exam after the written/oral test must connect on Tuesday 15 for the oral test to tell me so. Without such indication I will proceed recording on the system the grade of all those who passed the exam.

(31 May 2021) This is to inform the students that I just introduced a third test, in the June/July session, on June 22nd. Those interested can already book for that test.
I also take the opportunity to confirm that the rules on the oral part of the test will hold for the whole June/July session for sure.

(11 June 2021) Below you can find the results of the 9 June 2021 final test, with the instructions for the oral part.


(4 July 2021) We inform the students who will take the test on July 7, at h 10 am, that the test will be held at the Google Meet link


and NOT at the usual Google Meet link used for the lectures and previous tests.
This is because the July 7 test will be held jointly with the students of the Economics of Money and Banking (EMB) course, at the EMB course Google Meet link.