Lectures calendar and course content AY 2019-2020
(05 March 2020) Given the interruption of the course (Coronavirus) from today until March 15 please do check this page regularly for any information that I need to send. I’m not planning to record lectures on video but rather to catch up with the missed lecture, after March 15. If anything changes with this plan I’ll post it on this web page. Office hours are also interrupted but you can send me emails to “dimitri@unisi.it” for any question.
(6 March 2020) Today the School of Economics suggested that recording the lectures, during the interruption, is preferable than waiting to catch them up later. For this reason starting with next week I’ll record the future lectures of the course, until is needed, which will be posted on the UNISI Moodle. The password to access the material is “moneybanking2020”.
So please check the Moodle regularly, also because we need to catch up with the two lectures that we missed this week. Next lecture will be recorded Wednesday 11th, as agreed. If problems with the video etc. please do contact me on the email.
(9 March 2020) This is to inform the students that tomorrow morning I will record the first lecture on video. It should become available on the Moodle tomorrow evening. This will allow us to catch up with the first, of the two lectures, that we missed last week. Do not hesitate to contact me for any comment on the video quality and content.
(12 March 2020 h 12.15) As a follow up to yesterday Governmental indications, I decided to start providing teaching material from home. It may take me some time to organize the teaching from home, and so today you may not see any material on the Moodle. But of course, we’ll catch up with any missed lecture. In any case, please keep checking regularly the Moodle and this web page for timely information.
(20 March 2020) This is to inform you that between today and tuesday next week I plan to record the lectures that we need to do to catch up with the original lectures calendar, circulated at the beginning of the course. To avoid the system congestion on the Unisi Moodle it is likely that the lectures will be stored on Google Drive and the link to access them posted directly on this web page. So, again, please check this web page regularly.
(22 March 2020) Below you find the Google Drive link to the first part A, of lecture n°7. Indeed, lectures will be split in three parts in order to avoid excess load of the video recording. Please let me have your feedback on the quality of the video, contacting me on the email at “email@unisi.it”.
(22 March 2020 h 5.03 pm) Below you find the link to the second part B of Lecture 7. Let me know if problems.
(22 March 2020 h 6.36 pm) Below you find the link to the third part C of ecture 7. let me know if problems
(24 March 2020 h 4.26 pm) Below you find the first part A of Lecture 8. Notice that due to wifi connection instability the Lecture was discontinued after only 18 minutes. So the next part B will be longer and start from where Lecture 8a stopped. Let me know if problems
(24 March 2020 h 7.13 pm) Below you find the second part B of Lceture 8. If problems let me know
(24 March 2020) Below you find the third part C of Lecture 8. If problems let me know
(25 March 2020 h 7.03 pm) below you find the first part A of Lecture 9 ). If problems let me know
(26 March 2020 h 10.49) Below you find the second part B of Lecture 9.
(26 March 2020 h 12.28) Below you find the third part C of Lecture 9.
(27 March 2020; h 11.48) Below you find the first part A of Lecture 10. Notice that the recording was suddenly interrupted, before its completion, due to a disconnection in the home wifi system. We’ll catch up with the missing topics in the following parts B and C.
(27 March 2020; h 12.44) Below you find the second part B of Lecture 10.
(27 March 2020; h 4 pm) Below you find the third part C of Lecture 10.
(28 March 2020; h 4.22 pm) Below you find the first part A of Lecture 11
(28 March 2020: h 5.02 pm) Below you can find the second part B of Lecture 11
(29 March 2020; 4pm) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 11
(31 March 2020; h 12.36) Below you find the first part A of Lecture 12.
(31 March 2020; 3.45 pm) Below you find the second B parte of Lecture 12
(31 March 2020; h 4.40) Below you find the third part C of Lecture 12.
(1 April 2020, h 4.30 pm) Below you can find the first part A of Lecture 13
(1 April 2020; h 5.05) Below you find the second part and the third part, respectively B and C, of Lecture 13
(3 April 2020; h 1.05 pm) Below you find the first part A of Lecture 14.
(3 April 2020; h 4.05 pm) Below you can find the second part B of Lecture 14. Moreover, you can also find the first problem set
(3 April 2020; h 5.10) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 14.
(4 April 2020) Below you can find the first part A of Lecture 15
(4 April 2020; h 4.45 pm) Below you can find the second part B of Lecture 15
(5 April 2020; h 5.50 pm) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 15.
(7 April 2020; h 12.20) Below you can find the first part A of Lecture 16
(7 April 2020; h 3 pm) Below you can find the second part B of Lecture 16
(7 April 2020; h 3.55 pm) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 16
(8 April 2020; h 3.35 pm) Below you can find the first part A of Lecture 17
(8 April 2020; h4.35 pm) Below you can find the second part B of Lecture 17.
(8 April 2020; h 5.35 pm) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 17.
(11 April 2020; h 5.55 pm) Below you can find the first part A of Lecture 18. I also want to inform the students that starting with Wednesday with 15 April, each Wednesday and Friday h 6-8 pm (until the end of May 2020) I’m also available on skype, as well as on the email as always, to discuss directly (for those interested) with students problems, clarifications etc. My skype address is “nicoladimitri”. If when you call me I’m busy talking to some other student send me a message on the chat saying that you want to talk. I will then send you a message on the chat when I become free to be called. I suggest students to try to coordinate (if possible) and group problems because otherwise time may be insufficient to talk to everyone.
(12 April 2020; h 12) Below you can find the second and third part, respectively B and C, of Lecture 18
(16 April 2020; h 12.40) Below you can find the first and the second part, respectively A and B, of Lecture 19. As you can see Part B is about 23 minutes long and so we shall need to catch up with the missing length in part C of this lecture, or in future lectures.
(16 April 2020; h 4.45 pm) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 19
(27 April 2020; h 12.30)
We inform students that, since the mid term test has been cancelled, I decided to insert an additional date for taking the whole test (on the whole program of the course) on Friday June 5th 2020. This will appear as a “mid term” test in the system but students will have to take the entire test. However, grades will be formally registered in one of the two official dates for the test, respectively, in June and July 2020, of course after having been accepted by the students. The possibility to book, for the test, in the system will be open later today.
We anticipate that the test on June 5th, as well as the other two on June and July, will be exclusively oral since, given the situation, I find the written tests more complicated to perform.
The oral test will be about 30-45 mins long per student, depending on how it evolves. Students will be asked at least three questions, of which at least one will be an exercise. More detailed instructions will be communicated sometimes in May 2020. It is however possible to anticipate that, depending on the number of the students taking the exam, the oral tests may be scheduled also on days subsequent to June the 5th as well as on days subsequent to the other two official dates, in June and July, respectively.
Last, but not least, given the exceptional circumstances, to avoid congestion I strongly invite you to use at most 2, out of 3, possible dates to take the test within the end of July 2020.
(27 April 2020; h 6.45 pm) Below you can find the first and second part, respectively A and B, of Lecture 20
As you can see Lecture 20b was concluded after only 20 minutes. In the next part/lectures we’ll catch up with the missing 10 minutes of part b.
(28 April 2020; h 9.50 am) Due to an error of mine I forgot to include the third part C of Lecture 13 which I do now. For completeness the link has also been included above, after the second part B of Lecture 13.
(28 April 2020; h 12.25 am) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 20
(29 April 2020; h 3.30 pm) Below you can find the first part A of Lecture 21
(29 April 2020; h 4.50 pm) Below you can find the second part B of Lecture 21
(29 April 2020; h 6.40 pm) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 21.
(6 May 2020; h 12.45 am) Below you can find the first and the second part, respectively A and B, of Lecture 22
(6 May 2020; h5.50 pm) Below you can the third part C of Lecture 22
(11 May 2020; h 6.35 pm) Below you can find parts A,B and C, respectively, of Lecture 23
(12 May 2020; h 4.50 pm) Below you can find the first and second part, respectively A and B, of Lecture 24
(13 May 2020; h 4.10 pm) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 24
(13 May 2020; h 5 pm) Below you can find the first part A of lecture 25
(14 May 2020; h 6.10 pm) Below you can find the second and third part, respectively B and C, of Lecture 25
(18 May 2020; h 4.25 pm) Below you can find the first part A of Lecture 26. As you see the lecture has been suddenly interrupted by a disruption in the domestic wifi and stopped after only 20 mins. The missing minutes will be caught up in the next parts/lectures
(18 May 2020; h 5.55 pm) Below you can find the second part B of Lecture 26. Regrettably, also this part was suddenly interrupted by a domestic wifi disruption and the missing minutes will be caught up next.
(19 May 2020; 6.25 pm) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 26
(21 May 2020; h 12.25) Below you can find the first and the second part, respectively A and B, of Lecture 27
(21 May 2020; h 6.15 pm) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 27
With this lecture the program of the course has ended and the remaining three lectures will be dedicated to a review of the whole program, discussion of problems from the second part of the course, organizational indications for the June-July oral tests. Do contact me for any clarification on the email “dimitri@unisi.it”, also to coordinate for discussions on skype “nicoladimitri”
(22 May 2020; h 11.30 am) Below you can find the first part A of Lecture 28. This part focuses on the organizational details for the oral tests in June-July, starting with June 5th test.
As I say in the recorded Lecture 28a, some students who already booked for June 5th test should regularize their positions with preliminary exams to take, fees, teaching questionnaire etc. since otherwise the UNISI system will not allow me to enter and formalize the grade.
Finally, this is the Google Meet link
publicly open, where the oral tests of July 5th will be held. Do not hesitate to contact me for any clarification, writing email msg at “dimitri@unisi.it” or on skype “nicoladimitri”
(22 May 2020; h 1 pm) Below you can find the second part B of Lecture 28
(22 May 2020: h 5 pm) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 28
(23 May 2020; h 11.50 am) Below you can find the first and second part, respectively A and B, of Lecture 29
(24 May 2020; h 11.45) Below you can find the third part C of Lecture 29
(24 May 2020; h 5.15 pm) Below you can find the three parts, respectively A, B and C, of Lecture 30, which ends the course.
(1 June 2020; h 9.40 am) Below you find the time schedule for the oral test of June 5th, at the Google Meet link
The order followed is based on the order of reservation. I do confirm that, at the moment, most students could not register the grade in the system either because some preliminary course has not been taken yet, or because fees have not been paid or else. For this reason, please regularize your position as soon as possibile.
(21 June 2020; h 5.50 pm)
Below you find the time schedule for the oral test of 26 June 2020, at the Google Meet link
(14 July 2020) Below you find the time schedule for the oral test of 17 July 2020, at the Google Meet link
(31 August 2020) Below you find the time schedule for the oral test of 3 September 2020, at the Google Meet link
073922 h 10
077774 h 10.45
(15 September 2020) Below you find the time schedule for the oral test of 18 September 2020, at the Google Meet link
075811 h 10
069901 h 10.45
(13 January 2021) Below you find the time schedule for the oral test of 18 January 2021, at the Google Meet link
069831 h 16
070785 h 16.45
078507 h 17.30
079470 h 18.15
(7 February 2021) Below you find the time schedule for the oral test of 11 February 2021, at the Google Meet link
Those students who decide not to take the test should kindly inform me on time by email to avoid waiting.