(24 December 2018) Below students can find the calendar of the lectures, as well as other information concerning the course
(28 February h 16.30) Due to a technical misunderstanding, on my side, today’s (1st) lecture of the course scheduled at h 14-16 was not taught. Sincere apologies for any inconvenience this might have caused. The lectures will continue according to the above scheduled calendar. As for the next two days there will be lectures unless the University Rector, due to adverse metereological conditions, will announce otherwise.
Please read regularly this site where I will timely post all the relevant information and updates for the course, included dates to catch up with today’s missed lecture and, in case, others.
With renewed apologies. Nicola Dimitri
(31 March 2018) As anticipated in the last lecture, below you can find a file with some comments and problems. The problems will be discussed by the students on the board, on a date to agree after the Easter break.
(21 April 2018)
As anticipated, it is now possible t0 register for the mid term test which will take place on Friday May 18th, during lecture time from 10 am to 12 am.
As agreed, in view of the first mid term, below you can find the first set of problems to be discussed on April Thursday 26th, by the students rotating on the board. If needed, problems discussion will continue also on Friday 27th
(5 May 2018)
An anticipated in class, below students can find a simulation of the first mid term test (Friday 18 May, lecture time) with relevant information and an additional problem
(7 May 2018) This is to confirm that the second mid term test, before the official exam session begins, will be on Friday 15th June h 12 (Caparrelli Room)
(19 May 2018) Due to a Departmental meeting, the lecture on wednesday 23th is cancelled. Therefore, the last four lectures of the course will be May 2018 on:
Thursday 24th, Friday 25th, Wednesday 30th, Thursday 31st.
(20 may 2018) Due to unforeseen professional engagements (conferences) the date of the second mid term may shift. Is not clear yet if and, in case, to when. Still in case, I’ll inform you immediately.
On May 30th and 31st we shall discuss problems related to the second part of the course. The problem sent will be posted on the web site within Sunday May 27th, after lectures and explanations of new topics are concluded.
(22 May 2018) As anticipated above, the second mid term will be held on June Monday 18, h 10-12 Room 3. Therefore the previously announced date of 15 June is no longer valid.
(26 May 2018) As agreed in class below students can find the simulation of the second mid term test, to be held on Monday June 18, with some additional problems, and relevant information on the test content and rules. Problems will be discussed by the students on the board, during the last two classes on May wednesday 30th and thursday 31st.
(26 May 2018) Below students can find the grades of the first mid term test
(28 May 2018) Students wishing to visualize the firm mid term test can come on Thursday May 31st, Room Caparrelli B from h12-14
(31 May 2018) In the period June-July 2018 office hours for students will take place according to the following schedule
June 2018
Wednesday 6 h 18-20
Wednesday 27 h 18-20
July 2018
Monday 9 h 10-12
Friday 20 h 9-11
(10 June 2018) Below you can find the discussion of the problems in the simulation of the second mid term
(12 June 2018) A student spotted a mistake in the above solutions, and for this I would like to thank the student. Below you can find the revised solutions, where in yellow is highlighted the corrected part. Please diffuse the information to all the students in the course.
(13 June 2018) With apologies but, regrettably, the above corrections need to be, in turn, corrected. Such correction is now highlighted in green. Hope this now fixes the issue
(13 June 2018) This is to communicate that I WILL STRIKE on 29th June 2018 and so the EXAM WILL NOT TAKE PLACE ON THAT DAY. However, to allow those students who wish to graduate in July 2018 the possibility to do so I will insert an ADDITIONAL EXAM on July 3rd. The time and lecture room of the exam will be soon communicated on the web site.
To speed up procedures, DO NOT CANCEL your exam reservation of the 29th but please DO BOOK AGAIN for the exam of July 3rd. BOOKING for the exam of JULY3rd will be possible within the end of this week.
When doing so, please do write in the notes if you are taking only the second part or the entire test.
For any clarification please contact me at “dimitri@unisi.it”
(14 June 2018) As a follow up to the previous message this is to inform that it is now possible to register on the system for the July 3rd exam.
The test will take place in Room n° 9 at 11 am and, as said, will last 90 minutes for those who only have to take the second part and 180 minutes for the entire test.
(19 June 2018) Below are the final grades after the second mid term of yesterday 18 June 2018. The final grade takes into consideration first and second mid term. As said, on June 29th, same time same room as in the original official exam session, you can visualise the second mid term. On that occasion, those who accept the grade will confirm so. If you can not come send a delegate, who will bring a piece of paper signed by you saying that you are delegating that person and accept the grade. The delegate must be identifiable and so has to bring an identification document.
Moreover, those who want to take the additional oral exam (voluntary and non mandatory) can do so on that same occasion.
Finally, those who accept the grade but were also registered for July 3rd please do cancel yourself from the July 3rd exam.
For any clarification contact me at “dimitri@unisi.it”
(20 June 2018) Unlike what I said yesterday, those students who accept the grade after the second mid term DO NOT NEED to cancel their reservation from the July 3rd exam. However, they have to WRITE A NOTE saying that you only need to register the grade. Moreover, those who only take the seond part on July 3rd should write a NOTE saying so.
This will be enough for me to know how many students will take the test and which parts they have to do.
Apologies for slight change.
( 3 July 2018) Below you can find the final grades (considering first and second mid term for those who took it in two parts) of the students who took the test today.
Unlike what I said in class, since there were very fee students taking the test today, those who accept the grade should just send me an email to “dimitri@unisi.it” with name, surname, matricola code and grade saying that you accept. Instead, those who intend to take also the oral part should send me an email to say that. All emails should be send before 5 pm today to allow me to register, in the system, later in the evening
(20 July 2018) Below are the final grades of today’s test:
061832 28
064084 20
061533 30
061574 30
Please let me know as soon as possible if you accept, reject or if you want to take an oral examination, sending an email to “dimitri@unisi.it”