(24 December 2014) Below students can find the calendar of the lectures, as well as other information on the course
(21 April 2018)
As anticipated, it is now possible t0 register for the mid term test which will take place on Friday May 18th, during lecture time from 4pm to 6 pm.
As agreed, in view of the first mid term, below you can find the first set of problems to be discussed on April Friday 27th, by the students rotating on the board. If needed, problems discussion will continue also in the first week of May
(5 May 2018)
An anticipated in class, below students can find a simulation of the first mid term test (Friday 18 May, lecture time) with relevant information and an additional problem
(7 May 2018) This is to confirm that the second mid term test, before the official exam session begins, will be on Friday 15th June h 12 (Caparrelli Room)
(12 May 2018)
It is now possible to register for the second mid term test, to be held on 15th June 2018
In view of the second mid term below you can find a problem set to be discussed on May 24th and 25th in class. As for the first part, students will rotate on the board.
We also confirm that the remaining sessions of the course in May 2018 will be on:
Thursday 17 (lecture), Thursday 24 (problem set discussion) , Friday 25 (problem set discussion). The possibility of an additional session will be discussed on May 25th, and in case also communicated on this site.
(20 May 2018) Due to unforeseen professional engagements (conferences) the date of the second mid term may shift. Is not clear yet if and, in case, to when. In case, I’ll inform you immediately.
(22 May 2018) As anticipated above, the second mid term will be held on June Monday 18, h 12-14 Room 3. Therefore the previously announced date of 15 June is no longer valid.
(26 May 2018) Below are the grades of the first mid term
(28 May 2018) Students wishing to visualize the firm mid term test can come on Thursday May 31st, Room Caparrelli B from h12-14
(31 May 2018) In the period June-July 2018 office hours for students will take place according to the following schedule
June 2018
Wednesday 6 h 18-20
Wednesday 27 h 18-20
July 2018
Monday 9 h 10-12
Friday 20 h 9-11
( 5 June 2018) Below you can find the discussion of one of the problems which we did not complete in class. As further problems will be discussed the information will be updated on the web site
(12 June 2018) Below students can find the discussion of another problem of Problem Set 2
(13 June 2018) This is to communicate that I WILL STRIKE on 29th June 2018 and so the EXAM WILL NOT TAKE PLACE ON THAT DAY.
To speed up procedures, DO NOT CANCEL your exam reservation of the 29th but please DO BOOK AGAIN for the exam of July 20th.
When doing so, please do write in the notes if you are taking only the second part or the entire test.
For any clarification or urgencies please contact me at “dimitri@unisi.it”
(16 June 2018) In view of the strike I was asked the following, by some of the students having to complete the first year exams before going abroad for double degrees ,or erasmus periods from September 2018.
“Would it be possibile to have an additional, even informal, exam session replacing the exam of June 29th, before July 10th ? If possible, the grade would be officially inserted in the system on July 20th”
After having considered the situation my answer is YES. What follows are the indications for this additional possibility:
i) there will be an additionl test, on Wednesday June 27 h 10 Room n°8,
ONLY for those students having to go abroad and who need to complete the first year exams before July.
ii) Being an unofficial test, you will not book on the system
iii) students intending to take the test on June 27th will have to contact me on the email at “dimitri@unisi.it” to tell me so.
For any clarification write me at the above address.
(18 June 2018) Below are the grades after the second mid term. The grade takes into consideration first and second midterm.
As said in class, on June 29th, same time and same room as the original exam session, students can visualise the second mid term. On that occasion students will formally accept the grade obtained in the written tests, take also an oral part (non mandatory) or refuse the grade and retake the exam.
If you can not come you can delegate somebody else. The delegate will bring a piece of paper with your signed declaration (accept, refuse). The delegate will have to be identifiable and bring her(his) own identity document.
For any clarification contact me at “dimitri@unisi.it”